Yes they are shiny objects devoid of content and thus people are dazzled. Our adversaries watch our media and its content and can only come to the conclusion that teenage acne is an existential threat.

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All very good points. How can these women, many of whom are naturally pretty, make themselves look so bad, so cheap and tasteless? They all have money—can’t they afford a mirror?

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It’s bewildering and also depressing because it’s a reminder of civilizational decline.

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Bingo! And the secondary reminder that taste and money don't necessarily go hand in hand.

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These people - how can they have such a deficit of self awareness or bad taste and be rich? Is there some alchemy that combines bad taste and wealth? Or maybe theyre just a small sub-set.

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Thoughts on this celebrity fashion statement?https://x.com/govt_corrupt/status/1882600676322316708

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What in the WTF is that? Is he wearing his sweater backwards? Has he completely fully lost it?

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Yes. Yes he has.

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That isn't fashion

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You should have mentioned Doug Emhoff is looking like a Realtor Bro at an open house.

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Yes. And she looks like a vice principal attending her own retirement party. Her companion (Doug) will be giving a speech with help from his Toastmasters training and jokes from his favourite toilet book “The Good, the Dad and the Punny.”

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Omg that's the comment of the week lmao

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A friend is a RE developer. I just attended a reception for realtors, sales people, launching his latest project. I watched a dozen or two 35-55 year old guys walking up to the reception dressed exactly like Emhoff. Jacket a little too tight, white white white tennis shoes with a sport jacket and dress pants. Or those semi casual sport shoes with the bright white trim with same overly tight jacket and pants. You can spot them a mile away. (Realtors are not my favourites as you might be able to tell.)

PS I hope you are well.

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Those three outfits look absurd.

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Excellent Writing Liz.

But I believe that the name is Gargoyle

Kimberly Gargoyle.

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Heh heh… that tracks.

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Love this. But just for the record, you are showing Elmo, not Grover. Grover is blue.

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Thank you. Yes, will fix it.

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The Ali Wong/Grover match is one for the ages.

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I loooooove your snark! Keep it up!

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🙏 ❤️

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Love this. If you do this again, please include Lauren Sanchez.

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Yes! Especially the bra she wore to the inaugural. I was going to include it but wasn’t sure if it was getting too much coverage (pardon the pun)

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And they wonder why they are disrespected and thought of as an “object”….. show some class and quit dressing like a midnight whore…..

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I really enjoyed this light hearted but totally correct summary 😁

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Don't be confused the answer is simple. No amount of money can buy class or taste.

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I believe you are right. Sad...

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Utter trash

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The good , tha bad & the just plain ugly (Emmerhoff) but did you overlook Bezos’ Bimbo’s Huuuuge Inaugural faux pas;)?

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Yes. I was going to include her but it was all over Twitter so I left it out. Maybe she'll get her very own blog post, she's so damn tacky. The Seinfeld Sue-Ellen Mishke meme was hilarious.

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I hadn’t seen (not much time on X but guess that’s gonna change now) but the Bee “sting” was a kill shot. And Bezos is a cuck.

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manufactured mannequins of drama.

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well put

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You know, as a life-long lover of all things fabric, garments, style and make-up, I can say that fashion is a narrow and sometimes unforgiving road. While I am far from Haute Couture, I know that much of formidable beauty is UNDERSTATEMENT. Do not yell, do not flaunt, do not reveal everything from heck to breakfast (PLEASE!) and consider covering up a bit. We do not long to see all this flesh. The great beauties are truly more subtle. What happened to MYSTERY? I am not speaking of being a "tease." I am speaking of the most powerful presentation, which to me is the MIND. If I had to choose between high intelligence and great beauty...I would choose the mind. These ladies might be pretty in their own way, but the presentation is not appreciated. Spoken as a 72 year old who has seen a few things in seven decades...

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Amen. So true. Truer than true. Parisian women really understand this.

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Liz, I agree. Parisian women have much of the epitome of understatement. Mystery is powerful and appreciated, as opposed to the sordid gospel of "flaunt". The only one women should flaunt to is their husband, and that behind closed doors! He is the one you want to show off for! Thank you, Liz for a wonderful commentary on the current "fashionable" world, much appreciated by someone who loves garments and style but NOT the outrageous as habit! Wendy

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