On Nov. 5, Day 1 post-election, Trump will be leading across the board.

Late on Nov. 7, Day 3 post-election, the party of chaos & sedition pulls out a corrupt spike in fake Harris votes.

The steal goes off without a hitch. Democrats are not a moral group.

What then?

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I can only say for certainty is that America will never recover if that happens. All other possibilities are on the table… none of them good, at least not for a long, long time.

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The Dems will have huge military resources positioned to respond overwhelmingly to any mild MAGA post-electiral protest. They want that. They want an opportunity to terrorize MAGA. So the pushback has to come later, when it's not expected. It'll be J6 all over again, but a far worse Maoist military response. The left is much more willing to take our lives than we are to take theirs. But they have no staying power, no love of country, just a mindless hate. Maga will win eventually, but in an unconventional, unpredictable way.

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MAGA seems to have learned some lessons from the brutal crackdown on J6. When the great trucker protest was underway in 2021, there were rumblings of organizing something similar in DC. But it never took off. Too many truckers could foresee having their lives ruined by participating.

I also think Democrats have—believe it or not—learned some lessons. Remember Biden’s INSANE anti-MAGA speech in front of that satanic-red background? That really didn’t go over well and I don’t think Biden himself was too fond of the whole thing. Their multiple lawfare suits also failed.

Having said that, Democrats are power Uber allies and ‘whatever it takes.’ If the divide really heats up following an after-midnight steal, I imagine GOP governors will use separation of powers to shield conservatives from federal government power. And you’d end up with a country geographically divided.

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That last line. ✌️🤎🇺🇲

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Fun. Slobs all the way. Though we are more like the cool kids unwelcome to be part of the empire.

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We are definitely the cool kids!

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It’s not even close ;)

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Well crafted and entertaining, Liz. Also, bang on.

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Thank you Ron. Yes, I do ‘bang on’ a bit! LOL…

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I think terms like left-wing and right wing are obsolete… what with Liz Cheney voting for the Democrats

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Agree. So I’d like to revise “left-wing fantasy” to “Establishment fever dream.” Whoever put it together has no bearing or influence on the Trump campaign. The establishment keeps bringing it up because they really don’t have a record to go on. It’s grasping at straws.

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You seem to be continuing to insist that Elon Musk is not Establishment or in any way representative of or connected to it. Or that Trump himself is not. Or RFKJr., or that Tucker Carlson and Joe Rogan are not. Nor Peter Thiel. That Vivek and Vance are not. And these are just Trump's most high profile clown car passengers. If they are not Establishment, does the term have any meaning at all?

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They are not part of the establishment I’m talking about here. Perhaps part of “an” establishment… not this specific one.

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I am curious how you came up with this concept of anti Establishment, For The People, "Slob" billionaires... and how this ilk, Musk, Thiel, Adelson (widow) and Vivek, among yet others, prove out your thesis?

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There's no such thing as an anti Establishment billionaire, Liz.

Meanwhile, if Trump's sugar daddy Musk is not the epitome of Establishment and Oligarchy and Deep State, who in the actual fuck IS? 😀

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Trump doesn’t need to read. Peter Thiel put his puppet into the vice presidential slot… JD will take it from here.

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Absolutely well-written. Here's what I picked out for a selection of quotations: " RFK spoke of America’s chronic disease epidemic, dismantling the war machine, untangling corporate and state power, defending the environment and protecting the First Amendment—all of which he wrapped up in a mic-drop call to arms…

“We have to love our children more than we hate each other.”


" decades of brutal and incompetent governance by a uni-party that pays lip service to issues people care about—healthcare, housing and wages—only to legislate in favour of lobbyists and corporate interests. "

" untangling corporate and state power "

Corporations are "privately owned." The government is "by the people," so the two could not be more different. But the distinction between these two is not found in the matter of how private business is, because, as everyone knows already, corporations are also "publicly owned" in many cases. So, then, would the government be "privately owned"? I'm afraid the situation all mixed up; and this should be untangled.

To achieve some clarity on the private and public issues here, how can a business be totally private, if it also depends on customers, and the customers are (except in the rare truly private companies) members of a "public." No --not a private!! So, then, we see that capitalistic companies are not completely private? No!!!! The government protects private individuals, too. But the government is obviously not a private entity. The government, in a democracy, is truly very public. Government and economics are the same in so far as this mix of public and private. They are not different there. So it is not that business should *become* more public, but they should admit they *are,* already, public. Everyone would agree that government is public. No controversy there. Also, government should refrain from violating the rights of the individual. Persons have rights, including that of their privacy in most respects. Both economic activities and political activities are somewhat public, rather than completely private. Capitalism has always been public. In our age, if its public character is destroyed, then how could it still be capitalism? I think it is no longer capitalism. You are now talking about something very different.

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Here’s a link to that left-wing fantasy https://www.project2025.org/

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Cuz he said he would. Plus Project 2025.

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Project 2025 is a fantasy of the left. I doubt Trump has even read it.

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Witty, clever, insightful and MASTERFULLY written. As always, Liz.

But with a thesis that is flat out dead wrong.

If only you could use your powers for good instead of evil!

The entirety of Trump's campaign team, top to bottom, is FESTOONED with corporate lobbyists and the very swamp thingies he promised to vanquish eight years ago.

His new gang of billionaire sidekicks makes him more dangerous than the evil Devil We Know Dems.

Vivek is a Hindu flake and fake libertarian who worse, is a Financialist and Pharma grifter who became a billionaire despite never turning a profit in any of his fraudulent and dangerous ventures. MAHA? Really?

Musk, raised in the Cult of Technocracy, is a Leftist, TransHumanist, textbook fascist and also a Financialist who became the world's richest man without ANY his ventures turning a profit. He is committed to mRNA as "digital medicine," committed to a Carbon Tax, committed to UBI, committed to the Chinese Communist Party, committed to the worse-tham-fiat shitcoin called Dogecoin, and committed to stringing surveillance satellites up around the globe for the Spook State. THIS is who Trump is now beholden too.

Don't even get me started on Vance and his sugar daddy Petef Thiel -- when a rags to riches story seems too good to be true, it's because it is.

The Slobs have been bent over and are about to get it good and hard-- because they asked for it.

I am surprised you ignored a coupla things, tho.

Mr MAHA, much of whose analyses on what ails North American society I share, is a steroid and Viagra addled sex addict whose endless penchant for getting honey-potted (as he did again this summer) rules him OUT of any serious role in a Trump administration.

You also didn't mention the addition of far Left hater Michael Moore to Team Trump. No, Moore has not been red pilled. He is simply honest enough to admit how socialist and evil Trump has always been and admit that the former president's worldview really does align with his own - so I guess your Slobs paradigm isn't entirely off!

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Liz, I think your article is very well stated. I disagree only with the idea that "half of the country" is on the other would vote blue rather than red, nor do I think that the race is "very close," as the fake news would have us believe. I think that most of the country favors Trump.

John, although a very different prespective than Liz's, I think your reply is very well stated as well, and I've heard all of your points stated by a few other presenters (except the one about Vivek being honey-pot bait) and I couldn't argue with any of them. You could have also included the Red Flag (anti-2nd Amendment) laws brought in by a Trump executive order. Go figure. John, If what you're saying is true, then indeed the writing on the wall is even worse that it looks now and it would obviously mean that Trump is merely a well-acted-out Trojan Horse, and perfect for the masses of people so desparate for a true hero to help us out of the creeping tyranny that has been steadily and successfully progressing in our government for decades now. And who could blame them for wanting that? David Knight of The David Knight Show (Rumble.com), one of the people I pay attention to, and one of the few conservative lone voices, very effectively makes the same points as you. However, also on the conservative side of the fence are some presenters with a very different prespective. They say that Trump was approached by a group of military "White Hats" at some point not long after JFK was murdered and asked him to help them take America back from the Deep State, which Trump then agreed to do. Are you familiar with this info? They assert that what you've pointed out about Trump we shouldn't be taking at face value, that it's all merely "theater" as a feasible story for public consumption, but that behind the scene and completely out of our view, the White Hats have been successfuly carrying out a plan to destroy the Deep State, hold them acountable, try them in military tribunals and return America to we the people. As evidence they interpret the "Q-drops," pointing out example after example of the accuracy of Q's predictions (though stated somewhat crypticly bu Q years ago) having manifested currently. They are strangely accurate. One such presenter is NewsTreason.com. Every Wednesday an independent journalist called Mike King is a guest and deeply interprets the Q--drops which he uses as evidence that Trump is NOT a Trojan Horse and that the White Hats are actually in control. I suggest you go to https://rumble.com/user/NewsTreason and watch some of the videos entitled "Q News Review With Mike King #016." So far there are 16 of these videos (#001 - #016). I've seen several of them and found them to be very persuasive. If you watch any of these videos I'd love to hear your comments. Yours too, Liz.

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Thank you.

Your points are well taken. I think I’m just a lot more shallow than that! LOL. This substack did start out as a fashion column after all. I really appreciate your input though.

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I don't subscribe to any of the QAnonsense. True conservatives -- meaning those that lean toward classical liberalism and a traditional value system -- are on the sidelines in this election. Not a factor at all. This is a civil war between two wings of the Oligarchy, two wings of the Deep State, and two stripes of Democrat social dumbocracy. There is no meaningful difference between them other than the Harris shit comes in Woke drag and Trump's in "populist" drag. The Dems hate Americans while Trump loves only himself.

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Well considering that we are embroiled in many wars and had no new ones under Trump, I think you will see pretty quickly how different they are if the Democrats prevail.

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Thanks for your very clear and sensible reply, John. Notwithstanding that you have already explained yourself regarding QAnon in your reply, may I ask how much time you have spent delving into QAnon and/or hearing any interpretations of the Q-drops? I have heard speculations that QAnon was simply a creation of the CIA. Do you think that's true?

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Most people won’t even bother to look into Q, they just know Media hates Q = I hate Q too. Nobody bothers to examin evidence at all, preferring to just be told what their thoughts are, what are the correct ones to have if you’re intelligent. The media appeals to people’s intellectual vanity while extinguishing any curiosity they might have. I was a conservative who disliked Trump until I decided to examine why I didn’t and then I discovered I had been quite wrong about many things. It is a tragedy we are all so easily controlled and manipulated.

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I could not agree more with you and I have been totally guilty of this in the past. Just taking something for granted. 2020 really cured me of that. Now I question everything and allow the possibility of contradiction to be explored.

There was this study out of Stanford that found people experience 'fight or flight' when confronted with anything that contradicts their existing beliefs. Their subconscious actually feels under physical threat! I try to be aware of this and proceed accordingly.

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I could not have said (most of it) better myself. Reasonable people can agree the American experiment is rushing towards a cliff thanks to income inequality unrivaled since the Gilded Age. But the 90 degree off ramp to Trump's Reich is a final destination. One can complain about wokeism but once the autocrats are in charge your right to complain will be defenestrated faster than a Putin problem.

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The problem is he served already once as president and this autocracy never happened. What reasonable evidence do we have this time? It’s also worth considering that under the current White House, lettered government agencies made frequent visits to Twitter and Facebook offices to strongly suggest they censor all kinds of information. We would never have known about it had Elon Musk not bought Twitter. Meanwhile, it’s Hilary, John Kerry and figures on the Left who keep talking about prosecuting disinformation.

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That mass social media censorship is all I need to know about the current administration. It needs to be blown into a million pieces and tossed to the wind.

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Twitter and social media became embedded with the Deep State DURING the Trump regime, and even prior. They were already birds of a feather. Trump presided over all manner of censorship. The only censorship Trump opposes is that which inconveniences HIM.

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John! thank you for your kind words! Even if you disagree with my premise… LOL.

You make a good case but I still believe the comparison is a solid one.

Michael Moore… no, I don’t think so. Perhaps you’re thinking of that video where he praises Donald Trump. It’s an old one… from 2016. The thing about Moore is he’s too stubborn to ever switch teams. Democrat is coded into his DNA but secretly votes for Trump when he enters the voting booth. Also, he’s so lacking in self-awareness, he doesn’t realize Trump ate his lunch and in fact usurped him on the ‘man of the people’ front.

The Musk thing… yes, you’ve made it clear how much you hate him. Some of your points are debatable. But debating Musk is kind of a dead end. I’m only observing here and based on what I see—and regardless of his crimes—without Musk, Trump would be dead in the water (perhaps you think that’s a good thing).

I was going to mention RFK’s many foibles and weaknesses. he’s a Kennedy through and through. But we’re all sinners and he’s after something that’s genuinely good. Also, he didn’t fall for that New York magazine honey trap. She fell for him hard and basically became a stalker. He politely rebuffed her.

By the way, I like crypto. I’ve done well by it.

We definitely agree on one thing: Michael Moore is a slob!

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I have no complaints about my own crypto bets, but a Crypto POTUS is insane and will trash the economy in ways the Dems have not even fantasized about yet.

I am not particularly interested in judging RFKJr's private life, but he simply cannot serve in any high powered capacity because as I said he is too weak and will be targeted for his weaknesses. While his analyses of what ails America is pretty excellent, it is hard to take him seriously given his own dependency on pharma products, his sudden silence on the jabs, and his PRESCRIPTIONS to Make America Healthy Again, which are all Progressive authoritarianism.

I posted one of the best recent explainers on Elon Musk on your FB post for this stack. Even if you could refute 80% of it, no sane person should be comfy with Trump being in bed with him, or any self-serving billionaire, if they are any kind of "democrat."

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And the presence of Musk, Vivek, Thiel, Vance and many others on Trump's team is what I believe guts your Snobs vs Slobs thesis. ;)

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If ever there was a planned "hell room," it is the "democracy" we have been traditionally taught back in the days of "traditional" Democrats and Republicans. This two-party system was purposely designed to create irreconcilable division, allowing psychopathic/sociopathic oligarchs the opportunity to control the entire model from above without the participants knowing they are merely being manipulated. The reason why this is possible is due to the level of intelligence and awareness of mankind at this time in its history. Currently, mankind is still vulnerable to manipulation both intellectually and emotionally.

Just one proof alone of this fact is borne out by any (psychopathic) demagogue worth his salt successfully able to convince an entire nation that there is justifiable cause for it to form or be drafted into an army to meet on a field of battle and kill other young men no different than themselves. A "democracy" will allow a majority vote of people that are too naive and ignorant to vote an outcome that will not lead them into slavery - too naive and ignorant to know what it takes to keep a country free in a world built on barbarism. Mankind's history up to the present is one of being controlled by psychopaths/sociopaths, and the likelihood is that it will remain so until enough people in a society are aware of this and are responsible enough to literally prevent such individuals from finding their way into positions of power. However, the glass half full is that increasing numbers of people are waking up to this and the current psychopaths are being found out, at least at the managerial level (Rothschilds, Gates, Fauci, et al., all nearly front men). We still need to discover the entities above them who are at the top of the hierarchy who are pulling the strings. I hope and pray that their destructive agenda is stopped before it's too late.

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