The worst part about these douchegoggles is we’ll all be forced to buy them in about 5 years.

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“Douchegoogles”…. LOL where were you when I was writing this!

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#9. The abominable price tag. Only the already entitled can afford them. Oh wait. Maybe that's a good thing: walking into buses, microwaves, off a cliff ...

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That’s just the normal Apple Status-Whore Surcharge to signal to other dopes.

I think this Apple Vision dorkery will soon evolve and we’ll become accustomed to this new blight on society (like we did to smart phones). And the price, once the technology is assumed by other tech companies, will slowly sink below the Apple baseline.

Technology, by its very nature, estranges us from life and from others.

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I pray you’re wrong on the first point but know you are so SO right on the second.

Asking strangers for directions is now totally a thing of the past. That is really weird when you think about it.

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I really hope I'm wrong too but in light of the media playing up the Big Tech narrative that "smart phones WILL be replaced by wearable technology," it's not like the consumer will have much of a choice.

And what Big Tech can't manipulate on its own, first adopter tools will!

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LOL... when a blessing becomes a curse!

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I’m with you. Apple is no longer a leader. Matter of fact I’ve been thinking of switching for quite sometime and that Samsung is now a better place to be . Apple is turning woke and wierd. Didn’t they learn from Metaverse ‘ flop with their virtual glasses. Bad decisions. Apple is now definitely showing its decline with these really Stupid glasses. Nothing innovative here .

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That’s the weird part… they never learn. I wonder if some guru told them all about the “faster horses” theory at a corporate town hall. Like Henry Ford (supposedly) saying if “if I asked people what they want, they’d say ‘faster horses.’”

Apple arrogantly thinks we don’t know what we want. Maybe that’s true. We know what we DON’T want though (VR goggles! LOL).

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Agreed. After years in the Android ecosystem I succumbed to family peer-pressure (3 kids and wife had iPhones) and bought the latest iPhone. I have major buyer's remorse. The phone itself is impressive but learning the Apple way has been very frustrating.

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Yeah and the expense. I feel so nickel and dimed by Apple. I might be a Luddite deep down.

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I’m determined to lunge at someone if I see them walking down a street with that ridiculous thing on their face.

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Imagine seeing what I did during my research… a guy wearing that ridiculous thing while walking one of those robot dogs… 🙄

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I'd pay to see that.

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I’ll have you know that I sometimes wear Crocs and am definitely not a virgin!

Totally unnecessary attack on a legitimate fashion choice 😡

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I like Crocs. It's the pairing with the shorteralls. The two together is like head to toe cycling gear--it's 'woman repellant.' LOL

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I don't think we need to protest or complain much. VR has been around for 30 years and still hasn't succeeded. Even gamers, who should be the guaranteed target audience, aren't excited about it.

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Nice writing, Liz...as always. I read the Daily Mail article. Nina Patel said in the article her avatar was sexually assaulted by four other male avatars. She said this assault was traumatic and similar to the trauma of a real life rape! Uh no, Nina.

However, like online dating, I don't get it. My younger single friends, and even older single friends online date. They meet online, chat a bit, meet for coffee, etc. And, take it from there. But, chemistry is impossible to predict. I think, anyway. Whereas meeting someone in real life....ooops sorry....IRL....you know instantly whether there is chemistry. It is odd to me. But...I am not single.

Counter to that, in a weird way, online you can get to know someone really well. Deeper than meeting them in person. You see their mind openly and fully in a way that might take a year or more to get to in person. It can't take the place of meeting someone IRL, but it does give you a glimpse into a person that can't be achieved at a cocktail party in Victoria, where everyone knows just what to say.

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Could you hold on a sec? I have to text my friend Jennifer in Sydney to make her jealous that Mystic William paid me a compliment! ***canned music*** OK, I’m back.

Can’t believe I’ve never thought about how deep online-only friendships can be. I have a ‘pen pal’ in DC like that. We’ve been in each other’s IRL company once and yet we’re extremely close.

I’ve heard nightmare online dating stories but also happy endings. One friend, who eventually settled down with a match on Bumble, seemed to connect with this guy who revealed to her what he would really is to come over and clean her house. I still laugh about that.

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Ha! That’s funny. Being proud receiving a compliment from me. When Elizabeth Nickson compliments me though, it does kind of make my day.

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Liz has a genius for generating virtual “cannot un-see” moments: shorteralls??!!

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We needn’t ever worry about Denis Seguin turning up anywhere in a pair of shorteralls (or Vision Pro for that matter).

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I agree. Just look what happened to Zuckerberg's Metaverse. Heard he lost $60 billion. It seems people prefer old-fashioned reality. it makes you wonder what exactly Apple is thinking. SMDH.

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can't wait to see/laugh with the videos of these wastes of organic matter and energy being hit by all sorts of vehicles... Just like with the "smart"phones!

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To Liz: I have "subscribed." You have my email. I do not have yours. Liz, send me an email explaining why you followed. me. thanks.

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